629 Park Avenue (btwn 65th and 66th Street )                  CONTACT        

           Non-   Surgical  Rejuvenation        


            Tattoo Removal Treatment

Decorative tattooing in humans was first practiced during the stone and bronze ages. A study conducted in 1991 found that 9-11% of adult men in the United States had tattoos, but more than 50% regretted having them and would seek removal if possible. (A 2003 poll found the number of adults with tattoos to have increased to 16%!) Unfortunately, at the present time, tattooing remains popular with celebrities such as athletes and entertainers, serving as a role models for teenagers and young adults and encouraging them to seek tattoos.

Tattoos are much easier to acquire than to get rid of. Tattoo removal using most non-laser methods has disadvantages such as incomplete pigment removal, non-selective tissue destruction and unsatisfactory cosmetic results such as significant scarring. Older methods of tattoo removal have involved the application of caustic chemicals that destroyed the skin as well as the tattoo. All of these methods are associated with a high incidence of scarring and color change, and are now rarely used.

Slightly more refined methods of tattoo removal have included abrasion with salt (salabrasion), cryosurgery, dermabrasion, electrocoagulation, and the use of an infrared coagulator. All of these procedures are associated with significant scarring and in most instances the result of tattoo removal looks worse than the tattoo alone. Conventional surgical methods have also been used to treat tattoos; however, their use is limited to the removal of small tattoos. Surgical removal of large tattoos usually yields unsatisfactory results.

In 1991 the Medlite Q-Switched Neodymium-YAG Laser was introduced for tattoo removal. This laser, with a long wavelength, allows deeper penetration and at the same time causes minimal melanin absorption and minimal skin color change. Early studies using this laser showed that it was very effective in removing dark blue black ink seen in amateur and professional tattoos and especially useful in removing dark ink from cosmetic tattoos. This laser can also emit 532nm or green light, which allows the removal of tattoos containing red and orange ink.

Professional tattoos require an average of four to eight treatments, spaced ideally every two months, to remove the tattoo. Amateur tattoos will usually require approximately the same number, but may require more or less. Frequently the tattoos will disappear completely, or at least by 95%, but some of the newer tattoo inks may respond less completely, or not at all. Rarely, especially in darker pigmented individuals, removal of the tattoo may leave an area of decreased skin color in the shape of the tattoo. If this occurs, it is almost always temporary. 

The discomfort of tattoo removal is similar to that of the initial tattooing, and rarely requires local anesthesia. Topical anesthetic creams may be prescribed in advance. At the present time the Nd:YAG laser is the workhorse of tattoo removal. Unfortunately, certain ink colors, most often green, do not respond to this laser.

Another use for tattoo-removal lasers is the removal of traumatic tattooing resulting from mechanical penetration of foreign particles into the body. These tattoos are most likely associated with falls or "road rash" and can be easily eliminated by treatment using tattoo removal lasers. In addition, unwanted or misplaced cosmetic tattoos such as eyeliner and lip liner tattoos can be removed by means of the Q-Switched laser.

The New lasers provides an excellent means of a tattoo removal with little or no scarring. These lasers offers significant advantages over previous methods for tattoo removals and is presently the treatment of choice and standard of care for blue, black and red tattoo removal. 

Tattoo Removal NYC by Board Certified  Dermatologist Dr. Gary Rothfeld  is a board certified NYC  Dermatologist with a  New York City office in Manhattan, New York  providing expert skin care, dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.  A Park Avenue practice with an international reputation in general, cosmetic, and surgical dermatology.

Dr. Rothfeld, recognized by the entertainment industry of America as one of the best dermatologists who has treated some of Hollywood's hottest faces and world renowned for his contributions for many of today's cosmetic procedures has organized a comprehensive skin care center offering personalized state of the art services including medical, pediatric, and cosmetic dermatology.  Every treatment is customized to fit each patient's needs. 

I personally see every new patient who visits our office. I am not just a physician, I am a Board Certified Dermatologist. My goal is, quite simply, to provide the type of dermatology care which I  would seek for my own family. This is a very important point, since physicians often use the phrase "Doctor's Doctor" to refer to those individuals who typically are selected by physicians themselves for personal care. I am confident that my practice fully meets that definition. This is the type of 5-star care and service that our patients expect, deserve and receive. I treat every patient the way I would want to be treated: with courtesy, dignity and respect. I carefully listen to their hair and skin-care concerns and offer a variety of options including a treatment plan that I believe will give them the best results 

Dr Gary sees every patient himself and  believes in personalized care. The Doctor does not employ any physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other physician substitutes to do his treatment. He sees every patient himself at every visit.

A significant percentage of my Hair Loss,Dermatology and Cosmetic Dermatology Conditions are diagnosed  on listening to the medical history of the patient alone, a further percentage on examination and the remainder on further detailed or careful examination and my patients teach me the rest. It is clear to me that history and examination skills remain at the very core of my dermatology practice. Older Dermatologists like myself rely on history and physical to a greater degree than the younger dermatologists.  I think that the pendulum has swung too far towards all these cosmetic procedures where the younger dermatologists are just doing cosmetic procedures and not listening to their patients.  This is an important point because if the Dermatologist does not spend enough time with the patient during the consult the cosmetic procedures will probably not work.

It is vital to undergo a full pre assessment to ensure that your skin type is fully assessed and to be  accurate about your medical history. This particular procedure might not be the right treatment for you.  It is crucial that the Doctor does a full History and Physical Examination and listens to your concerns.  It very important to understand the individual needs of each patient because one procedure could work on one patient and then not another.

Each patient’s condition is carefully evaluated and the best treatment(s) are chosen to ensure an optimal outcome. Treatments are performed by Dr. Gary who has extensive cosmetic dermatology experience and training. This allows the Doctor to offer top-quality services in every area of the cosmetic dermatology field, while ensuring patients safety and satisfaction.

Any questions or to make an appointment click here 

Dr. Rothfeld, recognized by the by the entertainment industry of America as one of the best dermatologists in Manhattan, has organized a comprehensive skin care center offering personalized state of the art services including medical,pediatric, and cosmetic dermatology. 
New York Dermatology serves the following neighborhoods within New York (NY), which are in close proximity to our office:
Upper East Side Dermatology, Fifth Avenue Dermatology, Park Avenue Dermatology, Madison Avenue Dermatology, Upper West Side Dermatology, Midtown Dermatology, Lower East Side Dermatology,Chelsea Dermatology, Gramercy Park Dermatology, Murray Hill Dermatology,  Greenwich Village Dermatology, East Village Dermatology, West Village Dermatology, Soho Dermatology, Tribeca Dermatology, Meatpacking District Dermatology, Sutton Place Dermatology, Wall Street Dermatology, Hells Kitchen Dermatology, and the boroughs of Brooklyn Dermatology , Bronx Dermatology, Queens Dermatology and Staten Island Dermatology.
Dr. Gary Rothfeld is recognized as one of the best Dermatologist in New York, NY, Manhattan, NYC, New York City and the nation by the entertainment industry in the United States of America. At New York Dermatology headed by board certified Dermatologist Dr. Rothfeld, sees patients  7 days a week including Saturday and Sunday.
                  We accept all credit cards  as well as debit cards for payment of services.

Open 7 Days A Week — Se Habla Español

Board Certified Dermatologist