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           Non-   Surgical  Rejuvenation        


            Genital Warts Treatment Center
             Anal Warts Treatment

Internationally acclaimed expert in clinical aspects and prevention and treatment of HPV and Anal Genital Warts. Opened Seven Days a Week for examinations and treatments. Cryosurgery (freezing) (cryotherapy) is our treatment of choice.

Genital Warts Treatment Center at Genital Warts NYC at Anal Genital Warts Center in New York, NY headed by internationally acclaimed expert in clinical aspects and prevention and treatment of HPV and Anal Genital Warts. Opened Seven Days a Week for examinations and treatments. Cryosurgery (freezing) (cryotherapy) is our treatment of choice.

Treatment of genital and anal warts is a very difficult and challenging work but I have had spectacular results. Genital warts are a stubborn STD and they don't go away as easily as other types of skin lesions. It demands years of clinical experience and skill which I have over 30 years. I have treated thousands of cases  in the past with a very high success rate and superb outcomes. 

Genital warts are warts that appear individually or in groups in the genital area. They are transmitted sexually – either through intercourse or oral sex. In some rare cases, genital warts may be passed to a child from an infected mother following childbirth.

Genital warts typically appear on the vulva, in the vagina, or the cervix in women, or on the penis, scrotum, or thigh of a man. The disease may also appear in or around the anus, or in the mouth and throat following anal or oral sex with a person infected with the HPV virus.

The warts may be small and sparse or they may cover most of the genital area. They can also grow into large, cauliflower-like growths that are rough and discolored. In some cases, genital warts may go away without treatment. However, dermatological treatment is often necessary to remove the warts from the genital area. Treatment options include medications, cryosurgery, laser surgery, electrocautery, or a simple excision to cut out the warts.

Genital warts are relatively common place and occur via sexual contact.

Most people don’t even know they have contracted the virus that causes genital warts (HPV) from a partner as the warts can take years to show on the penis or vaginal areas.  Therefore it is important not to suddenly accuse your partner of being non exclusive as it is more than likely it was caught from a earlier partner without realizing it.

The commonest areas are the shaft and base of the penis for men and for women it is around the labia majora and pubic area. Sometimes anal warts can also be present.

If you feel you would like your warts treated quickly, discretely  with our latest therapies please contact us confidentially 

Expert in HPV and Anal Genital Warts experienced in dealing with these conditions will be more than happy to guide you.

If in doubt see Dr Gary to confirm whether you have genital warts. They are easily treated before they spread.

All treatments are confidential and done by our world renowned trained doctor in privacy.


Genital Warts sometimes called venereal warts, are growths or bumps contracted through sexual contact. They're caused by certain types of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases.


In females, genital warts appear in and around the vagina or anus or on the cervix. In males, they appear on the penis, scrotum, groin, or thigh. Genital warts can be raised or flat, small or large. Sometimes they're clustered together in a cauliflower-like shape. Most of the time, they're flesh-colored and painless. Sometimes, the warts are so small and flat that they may not be noticed right away.

It may take several months or years after infection for symptoms to appear — if there are symptoms at all.

In females, the virus can lead to changes in the cervix that may lead to cancer, so it's important that it is diagnosed and treated as soon as possible. Males infected with HPV can also be at risk for cancer of the penis and the anus.


Genital warts are transmitted through sexual contact (anal, oral, and vaginal) with an infected person, and warts can appear within several weeks or months afterwards.

The virus is passed through skin-to-skin contact, but not everyone who's been exposed to the virus will develop genital warts.


A vaccine for females 9 to 26 years old is approved to prevent HPV infection, which causes most cervical cancers and genital warts. The vaccine, called Gardasil, is given as three injections over a 6-month period. It doesn't protect females who've already been infected with HPV, and doesn't protect against all types of HPV, so be sure your daughter gets routine checkups and gynecologic exams. If you have questions about the vaccine, talk with your doctor.

Because genital warts are spread through sexual contact, the best way to prevent them is to abstain from having sex. Sexual contact with more than one partner or with someone who has more than one partner increases the risk of contracting any STD.

When properly and consistently used, condoms decrease the risk of STDs. Latex condoms provide greater protection than natural-membrane condoms. The female condom, made of polyurethane, is also considered effective against STDs.

Using douche can actually increase a female's risk of contracting STDs because it can change the natural flora of the vagina and may flush bacteria higher into the genital tract.

A teen who is being treated for genital warts also should be tested for other STDs, and should have time alone with the doctor to openly discuss issues like sexual activity. Not all teens will be comfortable talking with parents about these issues. But it's important to encourage them to talk to a trusted adult who can provide the facts.


Treating genital warts 

Treatment for genital warts depends on the type of warts you have and where they are located. You do not need treatment if there are no visible warts.

There are two main types of treatment for genital warts:
applying a cream, lotion or chemical to the warts (topical treatment)
destroying the tissue of the warts by freezing, heating or removing them (physical ablation)

Most topical treatments tend to work better on softer warts, and physical ablation tends to work better on harder and rougher-feeling warts. Sometimes, a combination of topical treatments is recommended.
For some people, treatment can take several months to remove the warts, so it is important to persevere.

You may be advised to avoid perfumed soap, bath bubbles or lotions while you are having treatment for warts as these can sometimes irritate the skin.

Topical treatment

There are several topical treatments that can be used to treat genital warts. Some creams can weaken latex condoms, diaphragms and caps. Remember to check this with the doctor or nurse, who can advise you.
Topical treatments are described below.


Podophyllotoxin is usually recommended to treat clusters of small warts. It comes in liquid form and works by having a toxic (poisonous) effect on the cells of the warts.

A special application stick is used to draw up the correct dosage of the liquid, which is then dripped on to the wart.
You may experience some mild irritation when you apply the liquid or cream to the wart. Cream is usually advised for areas where applying liquid is difficult.

Treatment with podophyllotoxin is based on cycles. The first treatment cycle involves applying the medication twice a day for three days.
This is then followed by a rest cycle where you have four days without treatment. Most people require four to five treatment cycles separated by rest cycles.
Podophyllotoxin should not be used if you are pregnant.

Imiquimod is a type of cream usually recommended to treat larger warts.
It works by helping stimulate your immune system into attacking the warts. You apply the cream to the warts and then wash it off after 6 to 10 hours. This should be done three times a week.
You may experience skin irritation after you apply the cream. Usually this is mild, but contact the doctor or clinic if it does not improve.
It can often take several weeks of treatment before you notice an improvement in your warts.
Imiquimod is not usually used if you are pregnant.

Trichloroacetic acid

Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) may be recommended to treat small warts that are very hard. 
It works by destroying the proteins inside the cells of the wart. But if it is not applied correctly, TCA can damage healthy skin.
TCA is thought to be safe to use during pregnancy.
It is not recommended that you apply TCA yourself. Instead, you will be asked to visit your local GUM clinic once a week so a doctor or nurse can apply the medication.
After TCA is applied, some people experience an intense burning sensation for around 5 to 10 minutes.

Physical ablation

There are four main methods used in the physical ablation of genital warts. They are:
laser surgery
These treatments are performed by a trained doctor or nurse.


Cryotherapy involves freezing the wart using liquid nitrogen and is usually recommended to treat multiple small warts, particularly those that develop on the shaft of the penis or on, or near, the vulva.
During cryotherapy treatment, you will experience a mild to moderate burning sensation.
Once the treatment has finished you may develop skin irritation, blistering and pain at the site of the wart. Your skin will take between one and three weeks to heal.
Avoid having sex until the area of skin around the wart has fully healed.


Excision, where warts are cut away, is sometimes recommended to treat small hardened warts, particularly where this is a combination of smaller warts that have joined together to form a sort of cauliflower shape.
At the start of the procedure, you will be given a local anaesthetic to numb the area of skin around the wart. The wart will then be cut away with a surgical scalpel and the remaining incision sealed with stitches.
Excision can cause scarring, so it may not be suitable for very large warts. The area of skin where the wart was removed will be sore and tender for around one to three weeks.
You should avoid having sex until the area of skin around the wart has fully healed.


Electrosurgery is a specialist treatment. It is often combined with excision to treat large warts that develop around the anus or vulva that have failed to respond to topical treatments.
Excision is first used to remove the outer bulk of the wart. A metal loop is then pressed against the wart. An electric current is passed through the loop to burn away the remaining part of the wart.
Removing a large number of warts in this way can be quite painful, so you may be given a regional anaesthetic (where everything below your spine is numbed, similar to an epidural during pregnancy) or even a general anaesthetic.

Laser surgery

Laser surgery is also a specialist treatment. It may be recommended to treat large genital warts that cannot be treated using other methods of physical ablation because they are difficult to access, such as warts deep inside your anus or urethra (the tube that connects the bladder to the penis or vulva, which urine passes through).
During the procedure, a surgeon will use a laser to burn away the warts. Depending on the number and size of the warts, laser surgery can be performed under either a local or general anaesthetic.
As with other types of ablation treatment, you should expect soreness and irritation at the site where the warts were removed. This should heal within two to four weeks.

Genital warts and sex

It is recommended you do not have sex, including anal and oral sex, until your genital warts have fully healed.
This will help prevent you passing the infection on to others. It will also help your recovery, as the skin friction that occurs during sex can cause treated skin to become irritated and inflamed.
Even after the warts have gone, there may still be traces of human papilloma virus (HPV) in your skin cells. It is therefore recommended you use a condom during sex for the first three months after the warts have cleared up.


For reasons that are still unclear, many treatments discussed on this page are more effective in non-smokers than in smokers.
If you are a smoker, quitting smoking may help speed up the healing process after treatment for genital warts.

Quitting smoking will also bring a range of other important health benefits, such as significantly reducing your risk of developing lung cancer and heart disease.Though there's no cure for an HPV infection, the genital warts can be treated and removed with  medical procedures, such as freezing or laser treatments.

Because the HPV remains dormant in the body, genital warts may reappear at any time after treatment. Those who have had one outbreak of genital warts still carry the virus and can infect others. Someone who has had HPV can also get a new HPV infection from another partner.

Getting Help

If your teen is thinking of becoming sexually active or already has started having sex, it's important to talk with him or her about it. Make sure your teen knows how STDs can be spread (during anal, oral, or vaginal sex) and that these infections often don't have symptoms, so a partner might have an STD without knowing it.

It can be difficult to talk about STDs, but just as with any other medical issue, teens need this information to stay safe and healthy. Provide the facts, and let your child know where you stand.

It's also important that all teens have regular full physical exams — which can include screening for STDs. Your teen may want to see a gynecologist or a specialist in adolescent medicine to talk about sexual health issues. Community health organizations and sexual counseling centers in your local area also may be able to offer some guidance.


Genital Warts NYC Treatment Center in New York, NY headed  by Board Certified  Dermatologist Dr. Gary Rothfeld  is with a  New York City office in Manhattan, New York  providing expert skin care, dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services. 

Dr Gary sees every patient himself and  believes in personalized care. The Doctor does not employ any physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other physician substitutes to do his treatment. He sees every patient himself at every visit.

A significant percentage of my  Dermatology Conditions are diagnosed  on listening to medical history of the patient alone, a further percentage on examination and the remainder on further investigation and my patients teach me the rest. It is clear to me that history and examination skills remain at the very core of my dermatology practice. Older Dermatologists like myself rely on history and physical to a greater degree than the younger dermatologists.  I think that the pendulum has swung too far towards all these cosmetic procedures where the younger dermatologists are just doing cosmetic procedures and not listening to their patients.  This is an important point because if the Dermatologist does not spend enough time with the patient the cosmetic procedures will not work.


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Open 7 Days A Week — Se Habla Español

Board Certified Dermatologist