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           Non-   Surgical  Rejuvenation        


  Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment 

  Seborrheic dermatitis is not an infectious disease, but it can involve infection. Seborrheic dermatitis is first and foremost a skin condition, but it can also involve temporary hair loss if the dermatitis is located on the scalp or other terminal-haired skin areas.
  The dermatitis presents as scaly, sometimes oily, inflamed skin that can be itchy or even painful to touch. This is an inflammatory condition the cause of which is not well understood, although there does seem to be a genetic component and Caucasians, particularly of Celtic descent, are most susceptible.
It seems that the sebaceous glands attached to the hair follicles begin to produce a very rich form of sebum. The sebum contains fewer free fatty acids and squalene but increased amounts of triglycerides and cholesterol. In part, the trigger for may be androgen steroids. Times of hormone fluctuation, such as during puberty, can activate the onset of seborrheic dermatitis. .

The excess, rich sebum production in seborrheic dermatitis can trigger the proliferation of skin flora. Yeast Pityrosporon ovale (also called Malassezia furfur) has been shown to increase in numbers with the intensity of seborrheic dermatitis. This excessive yeast proliferation causes more irritation and inflammation. Although all this inflammation is not specifically directed at the hair follicle, if hair follicles are in the vicinity of the inflammatory cells then they can still be adversely affected. Hair follicles find inflamed skin an unhealthy environment in which to grow. Thus seborrheic dermatitis may non-specifically cause diffuse hair loss. This hair loss should be reversible with reduction of the inflammation intensity. 

There are several treatments for seborrheic dermatitis. The simplest treatment involves the use of medicated anti-dandruff type shampoos to control the skin proliferation and scaling. Several shampoos might be recommended. lt can be effective in treating seborrheic dermatitis. Some dermatologists may also prescribe antibiotics to control the skin flora and in doing so indirectly reduce the inflammation. The inflammation may be directly treated using a corticosteroid cream or lotion to control the immune response. Seborrheic dermatitis can be very persistent once it starts so persistence with treatment is required and preventative treatment is useful even when the symptoms are gone.  is a common skin disorder that causes flaking skin in areas where the skin is oily, such as on the scalp, and around the ears, eyebrows, eyelids (blepharitis), nasal folds, armpits, and groin.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a common, harmless, scaling rash affecting the face, scalp and other areas. It is most likely to occur where the skin is oily. The American spelling is ‘seborrheic’, and ‘dermatitis’ is sometimes called ‘eczema’.

On the scalp, seborrheic dermatitis appears as dry pink or flesh-colored patches with a yellow scaly surface. The patches may spread to the entire scalp and lead to dandruff.

Seborrheic dermatitis may occur on the scalp of infants when it is referred to as "cradle cap". Adolescents and adults may experience seborrheic dermatitis as a chronic condition that comes and goes and fluctuates in severity. In elderly patients, seborrheic dermatitis may be associated with nervous system disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. People in hospitals or nursing homes and those with immune-system disorders are also more prone to seborrheic dermatitis.
Some cases of seborrheic dermatitis may be caused by an overabundance of a normally harmless skin yeast (malassezia). The yeast produces substances that irritate the skin and make it itch. Stress and physical illness can lower an person's resistance to the yeast, resulting in a worsening of symptoms.
Seborrheic dermatitis is not contagious.
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment
There is no way to prevent or cure seborrheic dermatitis. Many mild cases may get better on their own, but medications can be helpful for controlling a flare and reducing symptoms.
Treatment options for seborrheic dermatitis include topical corticosteroids, tar cream, and antifungals, such a ciclopirox or ketoconazole. Some of these agents available in the form of medicated shampoos.
Non-prescription shampoos containing tar, pyrithione, selenium sulfide, and/or salicylic acid may also be helpful.

Cradle cap can be treated by using daily shampoos with a gentle cleanser and massaging of the scalp with topical medication 

Any questions or to make an appointment click here 

I personally see every new patient who visits our office. I am not just a physician, I am a Board Certified Dermatologist. My goal is, quite simply, to provide the type of dermatology care which I  would seek for my own family. This is a very important point, since physicians often use the phrase "Doctor's Doctor" to refer to those individuals who typically are selected by physicians themselves for personal care. I am confident that my practice fully meets that definition. This is the type of 5-star care and service that our patients expect, deserve and receive. I treat every patient the way I would want to be treated: with courtesy, dignity and respect. I carefully listen to their hair and skin-care concerns and offer a variety of options including a treatment plan that I believe will give them the best results 

Dr Gary sees every patient himself and  believes in personalized care. The Doctor does not employ any physician assistants, nurse practitioners, or other physician substitutes to do his treatment. He sees every patient himself at every visit.


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Open 7 Days A Week — Se Habla Español

 Park Avenue Dermatology & the Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Center

Board Certified Dermatologist