Faster results, quicker healing time
and little or no pain.
Rhinoplasty is one of the most desired cosmetic procedures, but many patients are frightened by the potential complications and the risk of unfavorable cosmetic results. Non surgical nose job is a safe, non-invasive alternative to traditional rhinoplasty. Sometimes it is called the 15 minute nose job.
This is an excellent, affordable option for people who want to change the shape of their noses but do not want surgery. Results are instant; there is no downtime, no general anesthetic and no prolonged healing.
What does the Non-surgical Nose Job procedure involve?
Topical anesthetic will be applied for 15-30 minutes prior the treatment, then the injectable filler is injected in small amounts and in precise locations so that there is total control over the shape and contours created by the procedure. During the procedure, you are fully awake. You hold a mirror and you are in complete control of the procedure's results.
The results are immediate and last from 6-12 months. Because the results are relatively temporary, adjustments can be made as your face changes over time and you always retain a natural look.
Who is suitable for the Fifteen Minute Nose Job ?
Anyone who has:
- Slightly crooked nose
- Small nose that needs building up
- Hook shaped noses that would like straightening
- A mild to moderate bump on the bridge of the nose
- A mild to moderate drooping of nasal tip
- A nose that needs refinement after surgical rhinoplasty
- Noses that would like more height and a nose tip
Recovery time
This procedure is relatively pain-free and most patients are able to return to work the same day that the surgery is performed. There is no significant swelling or pain. However, sunglasses or heavy eyeglasses must be avoided for two weeks after the procedure.
What is the cost of Non-Surgical Nose Job ?
The cost is 1/10th of Traditional Rhinoplasty, prices start about 1000 dollarsor more.
If you have always wanted to give your nose a different look, but did notwant to undergo Traditional Rhinoplasty, this procedure is for you!
Fifteen Minute Nose Job NYC Treatment Center in Manhattan headed by Board Certified Dermatologist Dr. Gary Rothfeld with a New York City office in Manhattan, New York providing expert skin care, dermatology, and cosmetic dermatology services.
As an expert in the field of dermatology and cosmetic dermatologic surgery, Dr. Rothfeld is has appeared on national television shows. Dr. Rothfeld has also been quoted in many high profile national magazines.
We accept all credit cards as well as debit cards for payment of services.
Open 7 Days A Week — Se Habla Español
Park Avenue Dermatology & the Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Center
Board Certified Dermatologist