Non-Surgical Facelift Treatment
Dr. Gary is considered one of the preeminent authorities in the world on the subject of facial rejuvenation.

Dr. Gary’s facelift procedures are designed to give each individual a natural look. Dr. Gary’s facelift is a highly individualized procedure, designed for each patient according to his or her facial anatomy. There are many techniques to reposition and restore your face and the cheek, jawline and neck to give you the proper balance, proportion and harmony. More and more people want to look as young as they feel.

Surgical facelifts have been taking place for over a hundred years. More recently, they have been modified and complemented by non-surgical procedures.
Modern non-surgical lifts, such as the liquid lift with hyaluronic acid fillers and Thermage CPT Face, present an attractive alternative or addition to the facelift surgery.
Whether surgical or non-surgical, the modern lift allows your face to retain its individuality and avoids a mask-like or artificial appearance.
The easy way to turn back time
As part of the aging process, your face loses its contours and begins to sag. Losing midface volume causes a tired look. A liquid lift restores your face’s youthful contours: You will look fresh and rejuvenated instantly.
With Thermage CPT your skin and tissue is tightened and strengthened in a single session. The enhancements appear gradually over a period of six months.
Both methods — which may also be combined — not only enrich your looks by the virtue of their immediate effects, but also bring about improvements to your skin’s health by stimulating the synthesis of collagen. As such, they also act as preventative measures.
For volume and the lifting of facial contours
Liquid lift is a new technique to restore facial contours with injection of hyaluronic acid. Depending on the desired effect, this very natural procedure rejuvenates the face without surgery or may be complemented by a surgical facelift.
For firmer contours and more attractive skin
Thermal lifting with Thermage CPT is an exceptionally effective and non-invasive method to tighten your skin in a single session — without surgery, injections or downtime. The latest generation, Thermage CPT (Comfort Pulse Technology), is gentler and even more effective.
Because of the emergence of effective non-surgical procedures, the traditional facelift surgery has fallen in popularity. It has, however, become less invasive to minimize scar formation and is often combined with non-surgical procedures for optimal results.
A distinction is drawn between the Mini Facelift and the Full Lift, where the former tightens the skin and the latter the underlying structures additionally.
The scar-saving technique
The Mini Facelift is a surgical procedure with an emphasis on minimal scar formation.
The classic technique
In a Full Lift, the skin and its underlying structures are tightened.
Dr Gary's 40 Minute Face Lift
This is a rejuvenation technique used on relatively young people whose faces are beginning to show the effects of the passing of the years. It is a non-invasive operation with no downtime. For this reason it has become known as the dinnertime face lift.
Dr. Gary's 40 Minute Dinnertime Facelift Offers More Natural-Looking Results and offers far subtler and more natural-looking enhancements to the face, filling in deep lines and wrinkles or adjusting contours of the face without the risk of disfigurement.
Facelifts, technically known as rhytidectomies literally, “removal of wrinkles”), rejuvenate the mid- to lower face and neck.
Facelifts are most effective for patients who want to correct:
Midface sagging
Deep creases under the eyes
Deep creases between the nose and mouth (nasolabial folds)
Jowls due to loss of muscle tone
Sagging areas of fat
Loose skin and fat under the chin and jaw
Injectables allow for specific treatment of trouble spots thereby restoring or enhancing your natural beauty rather than completely altering it with surgery.
In addition, because patients are awake during the treatment, they are able to communicate with Dr. Gary and exercise control over their final results.
Traditional surgical facelifts oftentimes result in stretched and shiny looking skin, leading to a look of permanent surprise or a completely different appearance altogether.
Results are very difficult to predict and because patients are under general anesthesia, they have no control over the final results of the procedure.
During the aging process wrinkles form, the dynamics of muscle is lost. This is accompanied by the unpleasant redistribution of fat - double chin, chubby cheeks and a change in the shape of the face and neck arise.
The face looks tired, the neck limp. A facelift can correct this trend and turn back the clock by many years. Thus facelifts succeed and produce the most natural result, the physiological facts must take into account in such a procedure.
The New Forty-Minute facelift, now available and pioneered by Dr. Gary, is a non-invasive answer to going under the knife. It uses injections of fillers to restructure the jowls by encouraging the skin to produce collagen, the connective tissue that keeps our skin naturally taut when young.
We inject hyaluronic acid in very tiny pinpricks across the face
Hyaluronic acid, a substance found in the body that helps to hydrate the skin, is the principal ingredient in many Face Fillers - it plumps out deep grooves and wrinkles.
It biodegrades over time.
The ingredients work by holding the face up while encouraging the body to produce natural facelifting collagen.
The hyaluronic acid takes effect immediately. But the real improvement - the new tissue, the increase in collagen fibres and the improvement in elasticity - appears within six weeks and peaks at around six months.
Dr Gary's celebrity-client list runs from First Ladies to rock wives, as well as the cream of Manhattan Society A-list. He believes his forty-minute lift can even delay the age at which one might have to opt for more drastic, surgical measures.
The effect is subtle and won't prevent you needing a facelift for ever but can keep you looking younger. It is suitable for men or women.
The benefits are clear: it's super quick, safe and a prophylactic against forty something jowls and you will make your dinner engagement that night.
Our skill goes in depth, lifting the sagging tissue structures and so, the juvenile proportions of the face restore giving balance, proportion and harmony. This means that with a good and reputable lift the skin is not streamlined, but is smoothed.
Our 40 Minute Facelift
Facelift has the following advantages: They look natural, your individuality is preserved. Moreover, it will last a long time.
The clock is turned back in time with the 40 Minute facelift to 10 to 15 years younger. However, the durability depends not only on the skill but also on the quality of patient tissue or patient. Before such procedures therefore a detailed consult and exam is always required.
Park Avenue Dermatology & the Non-Surgical Rejuvenation Center
Board Certified Dermatologist