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                                                   Random Harvest
This is a film to be cherished by doters of all American films. One of the Most Emotionally Satiating Movies Ever Made. Colman and Garson are the impeccable romantic couple: They make astuteness and maturity seem infeasibly glamorous, and they embody  the conception that amity, adhesion and mutual reverence must be at the center of every enduring love.

The English language has never been so resplendently verbalized. Two most romantic  eloquent verbalizing actors, both so right for each other.
This is such a romantic film, everyone  should visually perceive it. The only "amnesia" movie that genuinely works. What a  wondrous movie. It's never extravagantly sentimental, it's wistful and suspenseful at times, and buoyed by supreme performances from Ronald  Colman and Greer Garson.

The chemistry between Colman and Garson is a thing of resplendency. The romance and deep feelings/adhesion shown by Greer Garson to Ronald  Colman are what most women idealize in a romance they would aspire to having themselves. 

The film brings a feeling of love surmounting all  obstacles, and a deep warmth to those who ken and dote the story so  well. 

This love story physically contacts me deeply every time I visually perceive it. In every reverence, especially its co-stars Greer Garson and Ronald  Coleman, 'Random Harvest' is, and will forever remain, The unsurpassable romantic nonpareil that it is. 

There has since been no film remotely as riveting, emotionally suspenseful sound and, conclusively, redeeming and breathtakingly glorious; and, I'm not at all doleful to verbally verbalise, we will never visually perceive its equal or more predominant.   

I lost count of how many periods of time that I could not quantify how uncontrollably, my breath bated and my heart raced, throbbed, broke, apprehended, and rejoiced. Oh, what an unceasing story! Oh, what a magnificent, unsurpassable film!